Take it easy with some Japanese traditional sweets ♪
When you look for Japanese sweets at a cafe, you can't easily find them on the menu. But don’t worry, our reporter make thorough researches for us! Introducing a soba shop, a cafe in a residential area, and a newly opened coffee shop in a traditional street.
A curry-lover chooses Asahikawa’s best curry shops!
There are too many curry shops in Asahikawa that you don’t know where to go ? Our reporter and curry-lover, ryo, will take you around Asahikawa and tell you about the best curry shops he found!
【2月8日(土)・9日(日)開催】第29回旭川生涯学習フェア まなびピアあさひかわ
2020年2月8日(土)・9日(日)に旭川市で開催されるイベント【第29回旭川生涯学習フェア まなびピアあさひかわ】の紹介です。
3 Japanese style sundaes topped with sweet bean paste !
It's that time of year again when we all crave for soft-served ice cream. Here are 3 sweet bean paste topped Japanese sundaes.
5月4日(火)放送分『asatan presents 井上仁志コネクトーク』のゲストは、トランペット奏者の『木津由記乃』さん♪
Furano and its surroundings! Lavender, melon and jumbo sushi!
This article’s original writer went for a drive to Kamifurano, Nakafurano and Furano with her child to see the lavender in full bloom. We will introduce you Furano’s gourmet foods, like melon and jumbo sushi, and its souvenirs.
8月25日(火)放送『asatan presents 井上仁志コネクトーク』のゲストは、旭川経済活性化プロジェクト『ezomen』実行委員会 プロジェクトリーダーの薄井タカ子さん!
Why are sake lees so good ? Our new sake lees-based desserts addiction !
Sake lees are used in various dishes in Japan. Marinated with meat or fish, sake lees are a popular ingredient that has various synergistic effects with our everyday food. But this time we will talk about three sweets made with sake lees in Asahikawa! Every single dessert will make you addicted with one spoonful !
タウン情報誌asatanの1992年創刊号から5回に渡って連載され、回を追うごとに話題となった人気シリーズ【秘密結社 黒薔薇を探せ!】がweb版で復活! 40代以降の人々の記憶に今も鮮明に残るノンフィクションを思わせる迫力で、黒薔薇と編集部との戦いを綴った27年前の物語。
2024年2月18日(日)に旭川市で開催される『釣り人のためのクマセミナー ヒグマ最前線~相手を知って身を守る』のご紹介です。
Would you like a cup of tea ? Asahikawa's tea houses !
Our reporter was interested in the big building in front of which, you can see two big traffic light objects. This is the first store in Hokkaido calling itself "tea specialty store”. In this article, we will present you three tea houses in Asahikawa. Spring is coming, it’s time to get out have tea with friends!